The photographs below are from a Yorkstone flagged floor at a house in the market town of Devizes in Wiltshire. The customer had contacted me as the floor was quite dirty and was overdue for a deep clean.

Cleaning Yorkstone Paving Flags
The floor was quite dirty so I started by making a strong dilution of Tile Doctor Pro-clean mixed 50/50 with NanoTech Ultraclean to add more abrasive power; the solution was spread liberally all over the floor and was left to soak into the stone for a good ten to fifteen minutes. Next using a strong poly brush attached to a rotary machine I scrubbed to floor to bring out all the dirt trapped in the riven areas. Next I attached a black scrubbing pad to give the floor an extra aggressive clean.
I then used a wet vacuum to remove the by now very dirty cleaning solution and then rinsed the floor tiles using clean water and a stiff deck brush several times to ensure that all the product and dirt was removed thoroughly.
At this point it became evident that there were several paint blemishes and spots probably from decorating all over the flagstones so I applied Tile Doctor Remove and Go to the affected areas giving it ten minutes to dwell before agitating all the solution with a stiff deck brush and a floor scraper. Once all the paint was removed I then rinsed the floor again several times with clean water and a stiff deck brush to thoroughly remove any product.
Upon completion I advised the customer that it would be beneficial to seal the stone as it would protect it from staining and make it easier to clean however the house was due to be rented out and having little control over what would be used to maintain the floor going forward he was adamant that he only wanted it cleaned.

He has a point, it’s tricky to get a tennant to take care of a stone floor properly and if you don’t use a neutral cleaner the life of the sealer would be reduced. I guess the upside is he will need your help to deep clean the floor more often.